Valentine’s Events This Month at Ahimsa Oak Park, Berwyn, and Elmhurst - With and Without a Partner!

Valentine's Day is all about celebrating love, and what better way to do that than by taking care of yourself and your loved ones? This February, treat yourself and your partner to some self-love and wellness with these three Valentine's events.

1. Beyond Self Care: A Self Love Meditation and Aromatherapy Spray Workshop with Fran Balster Berwyn, February 10th, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

The month of February brings to mind Valentine’s Day and love. To be able to give love to others, you have to first develop, grow, and tend to that love within yourself. This workshop is an hour-long meditative journey that will help you identify, strengthen, and cultivate your love for yourself while creating an aura/room spray to take home and use when you need a reminder that you are loved, by yourself, others, and the community. The workshop is $30/$25 for members and includes an aromatherapy spray to take home.

2. Valentine's Couples Class with Sound Off Headphones with Kelly Merydith and Chris Solomon Elmhurst, February 10th, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Join Kelly and Chris for a special Valentine's Day couples yoga class where you and your partner can connect both physically and mentally. The class will feature breathing exercises and meditations to calm the mind and enhance intimacy, followed by partner yoga poses and stretching to strengthen your bond and improve flexibility. The class will also feature Sound Off Headphones, allowing you to immerse yourselves in a private and peaceful yoga experience while you enjoy each other's company. The class is $60 per couple or $50 for members.

3. Fill Up Your Reserves in Connection – Cacao Circle with Betsy Grimm Location: Oak Park Date: 2/11/2023 Time: 6:30 pm - 8:45 pm

Join us for a heart-opening experience filled with community, connection, and the beautiful medicine of cacao. During the event, we'll engage in movement, dance, sound, and connecting interactions. You'll also have the opportunity to fill a cup with cacao and connect with others in heart and spirit. All hearts are welcome, and if you'd like, you can bring a meaningful natural object for the altar.

Price: $35 for non-members, $30 for members.

4. Avant Garde Yoga with E'a Williams Location: Berwyn Date: 2/12/2023 Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Don't miss Berwyn's special twerk edition of Avant Garde Yoga on 2/12! This dance-based meditative movement is a great class for anyone who wants to learn to let go, relieve their body, refresh their soul, and release fear and grow courage. Avant Garde Yoga offers an exercise in safe surrender, control, and attention.

Wear loose clothing and come ready to release your mind and refresh your soul.

Price: $25 for non-members, $20 for members.

5. Valentine's Thai Massage Workshop with Lauren Laughlin Oak Park, February 14th, 7:15 PM - 9:15 PM

Special Valentine's Day Event! Thai massage is often described as "lazy yoga." It uses similar techniques as Swedish massage, but Thai massage also stimulates the acupressure points to provide relief, stretch and loosen tightened muscles, release tension, and relieve joints. In this workshop, couples will learn various postures to guide their partner through a full-body stretch sequence and gain benefits similar to yoga practice. Come with a friend, family member, or significant other. The workshop is $40 per couple or $35 per couple for members.

This Valentine's Day, show yourself and your loved ones some love and care with these three events. Sign up now and get ready for a romantic and rejuvenating experience.


Family Yoga Classes for Kids and Parents in Oak Park and Elmhurst


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